本帖最后由 潍县老姜 于 2016-10-26 10:36 编辑
等了很久不见你出来露个面。我已经原谅了你的说话轻浮、不靠谱。纵观一个多月来你一直唱衰姜价,但那又如何呢?你的一厢情愿左右不了行情。但是我仍然诚恳请你多出来露露面,没了你那些信誓旦旦而又屡屡夭折的雷人言论论坛里真的少了很多笑柄,也少了很多的欢歌笑语。希望你好好吃饭,我依然爱。 --爱你的潍县老姜
Dear Laiwufamily:
Long time no see! How are you? I have already forgiven your giddy! For one month,you have always said that the price of ginger would be more and more low!
Your wishful thinking is not the market. But I still sincerely ask you out to show, not you who died and vowed repeatedly shocking remarks in the forum is really a lot less joke, also a lot less laughter. I hope you have a good meal, I still love you.
--the one who loves you most,Weixianlaojiang
The one who loves you most